Root canal treatment has an image of being a painful dental treatment, but this is not the exact scenario every time. It a dental treatment to protect your teeth. Dentists suggest root canal treatment when there is a problem, such as infection or inflammation, which can result in tooth decay, a cracked tooth or a persistent need to treat the area. A root canal treatment helps prevent pain and the chances of developing an abscess. For many patients, the root canal treatment goes off without a hitch, but the treatment complications are a risk of the surgery and knowing them before you undergo the surgery helps prepare you for the recovery period. Root canal treatment is not painful every time and you can easily return to your everyday routine soon after.
Root Canal and Pain
As the treatment involves the cleaning and repairing the root area of a tooth, you might feel some pain in the days after the procedure. The level of pain may range from sharp to dull. However, if root area of the tooth is not cleaned properly, then there are chances that bacteria may grow again, causing pain. If, after the cleaning and repairing procedure, pain persists for around a week, it is advised to contact your dentist straightway.
Additional Problem Areas
There are some patients who have more than one root causing the problem. In case, a bacteria-infected canal is missed, bacteria within grow and result in the need for a repeated root canal. Now, the second surgery in the same area is little tricky because your dentist has to clear the fillings and any implants or crowns that were placed in order to get to the roots of the tooth.
Hidden Crack in the Root
Another root canal complication that you need to care for is a missed crack in the root of your tooth. A hidden crack can lead to bacterial growth, thereby increasing the chances of further treatment. An untreated hidden crack in the root of your tooth leaves the area open to the reintroduction of bacteria in the area.
Defective Materials
With the time, the seal placed inside the root canal can erode, resulting into bacterial growth. Your dentist should inform you about this complication so that you can take proper care of the treated area to avoid any such complications. However, in some cases, a defective restoration occurs and allows bacteria come back into the canals.
What to Do
If you have decided to go for a root canal treatment, then to avoid all such complications, it is recommended to visit a reputed dental center with experienced dentists. Once the treatment is successfully performed, strictly follow all the instructions by your dentist to promote adequate and proper healing. If you feel something is not right, then immediately contact your dentist and explain him or her your problem.
Root Canal Treatment at SmilePerfectors, Tysons Corner
If you are living in Tysons Corner, Vienna, then SmilePerfectors is the best dental center for root canal treatment. Here, you not only get the treatment in your budget, but you also get a chance to experience the best in dental industry.
To schedule an appointment online for root canal in Tysons Corner, please visit