Before we make you understand how to conclude whether you have gum disease or not, we would like to make you aware about the fundamentals of what it is. In simple words, gum disease is a bacterial infection that eats away the tooth structure, gum tissue and the bone supporting the teeth.
The gum disease starts with the accumulation of the plaque (clear, sticky biofilm of bacteria on the teeth and gums). As the accumulation of the plaque increases on the teeth and gums, it starts to form hardened bacterial deposits known as calculus. These deposits develop above and below the gum line. These bacteria produce contaminants that lead to inflammation and erosion of tissue. As the infection increases, it slowly causes the gums to separate from the teeth and corrodes the bone that grips the teeth in place. When the infection becomes severe, the teeth become loose and can even fall out.
During the starting days, you may not feel any pain or discomfort, but when it advances you may experience little pain. Therefore, it is necessary for you to have the knowledge of what to look for before the gum disease becomes a severe problem. Here are the main things to look for. If you notice any of the below, you should make an immediate appointment at the dental art center like SmilePerfectors for a full examination.
• Your gums may appear red and swollen as a result of inflammation
• Bleeding and tender gums as a result of infection that has become severe
• You may experience bad breath that does not go away
• Position of your teeth may shift due to the corroding supporting bone
• Your teeth may become loose
• You may notice abscess below the gum line as a result of infection
• You may experience little pain while chewing the food
Treatment of gum disease is available, and it involves thorough removal of the built-up plaque and calculus. Dr. Jason Favagehi is a Tysons Corner dentist offers gum disease treatment. He uses ultrasonic cleaning instruments, topical antibiotic therapy and dental lasers to make gum disease treatment efficient and minimally invasive. To know more about gum disease treatment in Tysons Corner, please schedule an appointment online at