When it comes to oral care, there are several aspects that need considerations. Without proper oral hygiene, you may end up with an unhealthy mouth and missing teeth. Here are essential dental care tips, by our experienced dentists in Tysons Corner, to help you keep your teeth and gums, and ultimately your entire mouth healthy.
Tip #1
Make sure you are properly caring for your gums and teeth. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly twice a day, and use a good mouth rinse at least once a day. The habit of brushing, flossing, and rinsing is one of the best ways to protect your gums and teeth.
Brushing with a fluoride-rich toothpaste keeps your teeth clean; however, be sure not to brush too rigorously or hard as it can trigger irritability, gum problem, and discomfort. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and ensure to replace it after three or four months, or when its bristles fray. While brushing, make use of gentle, circular movements.
If you are unsure of what oral care products you should use, then talk to your local family dentist. Your dentist will also guide you on how to brush and floss properly.
Tip #2
Eating healthy and nutritious food is another good way to keep your oral health in good condition. Eat foods like carrots, apples, celery, and popcorn, which work as cleaning agents. Such food products usually clean your mouth as you consume them. Nutritious foods also provide you all the necessary nutrients you need to keep your gums and teeth healthy.
Stay away from food products that lead to cavities and oral problems. Avoid food products, like candies, chips, pretzels, and other sweet and gummy items because they stick and remain on or between your teeth, causing unwanted oral problems. If you consume sticky food items, then it is advisable to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth once you are done eating. Rinsing is also a good idea after eating sticky foods.
Quit smoking or use of smokeless tobacco. They stain teeth and increase the risk of gum disease. Not to forget, consumption of tobacco products also leads to cancer. Just say no to tobacco. If needed, ask your local family dentist to help you quit tobacco.
Tip #3
See your family dentist at least twice a year. Despite adhering to good oral hygiene practices and eating healthy and nutritious foods, some dental problems could arise. It is only your dentist who can identify such problems and treat them effectively. Your dentist will also be able to detect any potential dental problems (that have not arisen yet) and address them to prevent complications later on.
Keeping your teeth and gums strong and healthy is vital. Adhering to routine oral hygiene practices, eating healthy and nutritious foods, staying away from unhealthy foods and tobacco products, and seeing your dentist regularly are just some of the simplest and ideal ways to ensure optimum oral health.
Searching for experienced dentists nearby? When in need of professional dentists, Tysons Corner residents go to SmilePerfectors. The leading dental arts center, SmilePerfectors has some of the best dentists in Tysons Corner who provide a range of high-quality dental services. Whether you need just a routine dental cleaning or root canal therapy in Tysons Corner, SmilePerfectors is the best place for you.
Discover more of our services, by browsing through our site http://smileperfectors.com/. If you have any questions regarding any of our dental treatments, feel free to ask us at [email protected].